Natural Genmaicha

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Genmaicha is one of Japan‚ やなぎ番茶 most popular teas made by mixing Natural Yanagi Bancha leaves with organic certified roasted rice. This Natural Genmaicha is brass yellow in colour, with a long aftertaste and a buttery finish. It has notes of roasted almond and walnut making it a perfect pair with food.

Taste: Roasted Nuts
Body: Full
Texture: Crisp
Length: Long
Harvest: June
Tea Cultivar: Mixed
Origin: Wazuka
Cultivation: Unshaded
Processing: Steamed, Rolled, Dried
SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


What is Genmaicha?Genmaicha


Genmaicha (玄米茶) is a traditional Japanese tea that has been growing in popularity in recent years. Genmaicha, actually meaning ‘brown rice tea’ is a composition of Japanese green tea and roasted rice. Combining the two traditional Japanese products tea and rice makes Genmaicha an unmistakable exponent of Japanese culture. Although it is called genmaicha, white mochi rice is usually used to create this blend. This is due to the fragrant aroma the white rice develops by roasting. After steaming, drying and roasting the rice is traditionally combined with Bancha tea in a proportion of 1:1, although this ratio can change depending on the manufacturer. Nowadays a lot of genmaicha variations, such as sencha genmaicha or houji genmaicha are also offered by different tea producers. Some might call Genmaicha ‘popcorn tea’ as some sellers add popped grains that look just like popcorn. The pleasant roasted taste also reminds people a bit of popcorn. This is a good tea for those who are just beginning to get familiar with the taste of Japanese tea.

Farmer Profile

The Obubu Team as a whole are responsible for this Tea with each member caring for the Tea Garden, Harvesting and Processing. This tea comes from the Blue Forest Tea Garden, we initially thought to create an organic garden but to do so we would need to wait three years before being able to apply for Organic Certification. We decided that we would only add the leaf which had grown and been trimmed back into the garden. We would aim to provide an alternative to Organic Tea production for the small scale farmers who aim to create delicious Japanese teas in a sustainable business model and delicious teas. This is an alternative solution to a national and increasingly international problem from the Tea Garden up, forget grass roots, more like tea roots!





Tea Cultivation, Processing and Brewing Guide

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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